Day Trip to Spalding & Walpole St Peter

Had a good day out on Wednesday this week (4th June), coach trip with Elisabeth to Spalding and the flower festival at Walpole St Peter. After a rainy start we arrived at the Ayscoughfee museum in Spalding which started life in the fourteenth century merchant’s house. Its been added to and rebuilt over the centuries and the museum reflects this. Its the South Holland museum of rural life and features some great displays of agriculture and fenland life with lots of things to do as well. One of best bits though was the gallery of prints from a local watercolourist which were displayed around the upper floor of the hall. Didn’t manage the gardens as it started to rain and lunch was calling. Good leaflets and booklet too and I bought a book of walks even though I knew I wouldn’t have time to do any but at least I’m ready for next time! Managed a few photos and then it was on to Walpole St Peter and the flower festival – lots of inspiration for new floral displays – church was very impressive too. Various stalls were outside and I bought some strawberries and a gift for a birthday. Then of course it was time for tea and cake but not before a few more photos including a couple of trees in the churchyard.

Riverside in Spalding

Riverside in Spalding

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